Once upon a time there lived a farmer named Bahad with his good looking wife. By the time Bahad was 32, none of his sons survived and he was constantly praying for the survival of a son who could be a helping-hand for Bahad in his fields. Bahad had also resolved in his heart that if God gave him a son he would sacrifice a very healthy goat to the will of Allah and would give feast to everyone in his village as an expression of his humility. After a long period of time when Bahad's wife came near the time of delivery, Bahad was in his farm, ploughing his fields with two bullocks. After Bahad heard that he had became a dad, he rushed to his home promptly and wanted to hear a great news but with his surprise when he saw that he had been the father of a girl child, he made ill marks against his wife. "What have you done to have given birth to a daughter? Would she give me support or she would only sit at home, eat, rest and give birth to babies?" "I have been destroyed?...
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